दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय
University of Delhi

Email varshaambawata0047@gmail.com
Mobile 9999248524
Transaction No.: 20211013111212800110168899252212552
Order ID: 752210
Date: 2021-11-22 11:05:27
Details of the Fee REVALUTION
Program Name --
Department --
Year/Semester --

S.No. Fee Type Unit Fee Per Unit Amount
1. Revaluation Fee 1 1 x 1000 1000.00
Total Amount 1000
Amount Paid 1000.00
Fee Payment is subject to realisation of Online Payment. It may take 2-3 working days.
Fee Receipt is valid for 7 days from the date of payment.
Documents (if any) should be collected from the University within 6 months of the fee payment.
*This is a computer generated receipt, no seal/signature is required. It is advised to check the details on the receipt. In case of any discrepancy, please contact the concerned department/college.

For office use only

Received amount 1000.00 from VARSHA AMBAWATA for Revaluation Fee Payment made on 2021-11-22 11:05:27, Transaction no. 20211013111212800110168899252212552, Order ID 752210

Authorised Signatory